Saleh Mashadi Teymur oglu Gullicinski was born in 1899 in Iravan, in the family of Mashadi Teymur and Leyli khanum, who were among the prominent families of Iravan.

He graduated from the city school named after Pushkin in Iravan. In 1916, he graduated from the Iravan Teachers’ Seminary.

He was one of the first investigators of the Emergency Commission of Armenia.

Saleh Gullicinski, one of the members of the first party organization established in Iravan, was sent to the position of the first chairman of the Vedi District Military Revolutionary Committee in early 1921.

In 1922, he worked as the chairman of the Vedi district executive committee.

At the end of 1922, he was sent to Tbilisi, to continue his studies at Transcaucasian University.

In 1937, Saleh Gullicinski became the rector of the Agricultural School under the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan C(b)P.

In 1930–1937, Saleh Gullicinski worked as the rector of the Party School under the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan C(b)P, the rector of the Agricultural School in Ganja, the head of the political department at the Gasim Ismayilov district MTS (Machine Tractor Station), and in 1937 he was the first person to be awarded the Order of Lenin in Transcaucasia He was a victim of repression in 1938.