Statement on the description of Armenia by members of the European Parliament as a “tormentor of democracy"
08 April 2024, 14:52

As you know, at a meeting held on April 5 in Brussels between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, decisions were made to provide assistance to Armenia from the European Union and the United States. Although the press release following the meeting talks exclusively about financial assistance, no one doubts that the real plan is to arm Armenia.

Today, a group of Azerbaijani-phobic members of the European Parliament led by Nathalie Loiseau addressed US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and called on them to help the “security” of Armenia as a continuation of this meeting. All this serves to create a public background for providing open military support to Armenia. This once again proves that the April 5 meeting was aimed at militarizing Armenia.

It is disgusting that fake MEPs are trying to characterize Armenia as having ethnically cleansed a million Azeris, devastated 20 percent of Azerbaijan's territory by occupying it for 30 years, and is still preventing 300,000 West Azeris from returning to the country. their homes as “tormentors of democracy.”

The Western Azerbaijan Community rejects the biased appeal of members of the European Parliament and once again calls on the EU and the United States not to take steps that aggravate the situation in the region and not to provide military support to Armenia. The EU and the US should support not Armenia, which pursues a militaristic policy, but Azerbaijan, which suffers from the destruction committed by Armenia and the mine problem, and encourage the return of Western Azerbaijanis to the lands of their ancestors, the community notes.