Statement on the provocative views of Peter Stano, EU Spokesperson
07 April 2024, 09:49

European Union (EU) spokesman Peter Stano revealed his organization's true intentions in provocative statements he made in an interview with Radio Liberty's Armenian service on April 6.

In response to a question about Armenia, the EU representative spoke a lot about the importance of the principle of territorial integrity and thereby tried to show that they are not indifferent to international law. He also raised the issue of creating conditions for the return of ethnic Armenians to Azerbaijan.

A simple question arises: where was the EU when Armenia occupied 20% of the territory of Azerbaijan for 30 years? 8 Why is Azerbaijan still silent about the continued occupation of the village by Armenia? Why does the EU not raise the issue of the return of 300 thousand Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia during the latest wave of ethnic cleansing and mass destruction of Azerbaijani cultural heritage in Armenia?

It turns out that since a certain time has passed since the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from Armenia, their right to return is no longer relevant. It is the greatest injustice to use the longing for the homeland of Western Azerbaijanis against them for more than 30 years.

All this proves the EU's ethnic and religious discrimination. The EU is dishonest on human rights and international law. The EU's policy is to set Armenia against Azerbaijan using such an old tool as the “right” of Armenians in Azerbaijan.

We strongly reject the EU's provocative approach and demand an end to it.

In the matter of return, no discrimination should be allowed, the principle of reciprocity should be respected, and the return of Western Azerbaijanis, who have been waiting for their return for more than 30 years, should be resolved first as a priority issue.