Western Azerbaijan Community
On January 12, 2025, the public radio station Deutschlandfunk of the Federal Republic of Germany aired a program full of slander against the Azerbaijani people and state. The plot of the material was based on an interview with the notorious Azerbaijanophobe Tessa Hoffman. The program claimed that in 1990, illegal actions were committed against Armenians in Azerbaijan, and the history of the conflict that was left in the past was presented in accordance with the concept of radical Armenian nationalism.
The program said nothing about the ethnic cleansing committed by Armenia against more than a million Azerbaijanis during the conflict, the occupation and destruction of Azerbaijani territories, as well as the destruction of its cultural heritage. Similarly, the facts of the ethnic cleansing of three hundred thousand Azerbaijanis from Armenia in 1987-1991 and the murder of 216 Azerbaijanis in Armenia are being hushed up. Instead of broadcasting racist, offensive programs and creating tension in the region, the channel should highlight Armenia's racist policies, including the recent revelations that the first president of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, carried out ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis as a state policy. condemn his speech.
We, as the West Azerbaijan Community, condemn the racial discrimination committed by the public radio station Deutschlandfunk and call on the management of the radio station to take appropriate measures against this unacceptable step.