The Government of Armenia must end its racist policy of ethnic exclusivity and respect the values of coexistence and ethnic diversity
27 November 2023, 19:43

İnformation that Armenia’s Ministry of Education and Science has compiled a list of 140 monuments of the so-called “Armenian cultural heritage” in Karabakh and sent it to the Foreign Ministry for

“This step made by the Armenian government, which considers the community’s activity to preserve Azerbaijani cultural heritage in Armenia an encroachment on Armenia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, testifies to hypocrisy and racism”

“Armenia continues living in its own invented fairy tales, remaining hostage to its so-called “ethnic exclusivity” ideology. Instead of claiming cultural heritage on the territory of another country, it would be better for the Armenian officials to think about preserving the cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people in Armenia and allowing the UNESCO mission to visit that country”