Statement on France's latest smear campaign against Azerbaijan
04 September 2024, 19:17

The French side has once again committed a provocation against Azerbaijan. The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of this country, in its travel warning issued on September 4, tried to denigrate the legal system of our country and attack the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, using expressions such as "Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region" and "adjacent regions".

France, which does not fulfill its obligations under the UN Charter on decolonization, pursues a policy of neocolonialism and thereby violates the fundamental rights of millions of people, has no right to talk about human rights. While Armenia, at least in words, recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, the fact that France does not do so shows how biased it is towards Azerbaijan.

The Western Azerbaijan Community demands that France stop its slanderous campaign and provocations against Azerbaijan.