ICESCO reps visit Western Azerbaijan Community
21 November 2023, 19:04

Director of Human and Social Sciences Sector at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) Ramata Almamy and expert of the Department of Strategy and Cooperation at the ICESCO headquarters Dinara Guliyeva have visited the Western Azerbaijan Community on Tuesday.

The meeting with ICESCO officials gathered Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs Aynur Sofiyeva, Western Azerbaijan Community representatives including Chairperson of the Women’s Council, member of the Mılli Majlis Malahat Ibrahimgizi, member of the Women’s Council, member of the Milli Majlis Sabina Khasayeva and Community spokesperson Ulviyye Zulfugar.

Malahat Ibrahimgizi noted at the meeting that deportations had a harmful effect on tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Western Azerbaijanis.

Sabina Khasayeva pointed out that Western Azerbaijani women and children went through difficulties and ordeals during expulsion, adding that carpet-making art, national cuisine as women’s main area of interest are considered victim of deportation.

Community spokesperson Ulviyye Zulfugar let the ICESCO representatives know that these tragic events had also an adverse impact on the Goycha ashiq art, the Western Azerbaijan literature, folklore, theater art.