Statement regarding Claude Wiesler's inappropriate intervention in the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia
22 May 2024, 18:30

The Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg, Claude Wiesler, speaking on May 22 at a meeting of the Armenian Parliament with a biased statement, “with a heavy heart,” “imbued with compassion” for the Armenians who voluntarily left Karabakh, and called on Azerbaijan to provide a list of certain “missing” persons. The Western Azerbaijan Community rejects Wiesler's statement, which seeks to accuse Azerbaijan of "ethnic cleansing" and "demands the release" of those involved in war crimes, crimes against humanity and terrorism.

It is noted that in fact the policy of ethnic cleansing was carried out by Armenia. This country, which kept Azerbaijani lands under occupation for thirty years, forcibly expelled more than 300 thousand Azerbaijanis from their homes in 1987–1991. The fate of over 4 thousand Azerbaijanis who went missing during the First Karabakh War still remains unknown.

All this indicates that Wiesler displays a biased attitude towards Azerbaijan and a discriminatory approach. Against the backdrop of the latest steps taken in the field of normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, including border delimitation, such harmful and inappropriate interventions by third-party states are unacceptable.

The Community calls on Claude Wiesler to take a fair position and respond to the issue related to the return of more than 300 thousand West Azerbaijanis to their native lands.