Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Azerbaijan Bilal Hayi visited the community of Western Azerbaijan
11 July 2023, 12:54

Pakistan’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan Bilal Hayee visited the Western Azerbaijan Community on Tuesday.

Ambassador Bilal Hayee held a meeting with the Chairman of the Board of the Western Azerbaijan Community Aziz Alekberli and Board members. The Pakistani diplomat received information about the charter, structure and activities.

Alekberli briefed the Pakistani diplomat about the forcible deportations of the Azerbaijanis from their ancestral land, now called "Armenia", four times in the last century, including in 1905-1906, 1918-1920, 1948-1953 and 1987-1991, and the crimes against humanity committed against Azerbaijani compatriots during these events.

It was also noted that the Armenian government refuses to take measures to restore the rights of expelled Azerbaijanis and deprives them of the right to live in their homeland. Although the Community appealed to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in this regard, attempts to call for dialogue remain unanswered.

It was stressed that the appeals made over the right of return of Western Azerbaijanis on a global scale are being responded to by reputable organizations. The United Nations has released 4 documents, including the Community’s Concept of Return, as its official documents. Moreover, the Western Azerbaijan Community has received responses from the European Union and UNESCO. It was emphasized that the support of the international community is still needed.

Ambassador Hayee, in turn, emphasized that Pakistan has always been and will be next to fraternal Azerbaijan in its just struggle.

Later on, the Pakistani diplomat viewed the conditions created in the Western Azerbaijan Community.

The meeting was also attended by Hikmat Babaoghlu, MP, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Western Azerbaijan Community, and Ulviyya Zulfikar, Spokesperson for the Community.