Statement regarding the racist and xenophobic position of Galstanyan's West Azerbaijanis regarding the right of return
12 August 2024, 20:55

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, who poses as the leader of the Sacred Struggle movement in Armenia, made a racist and xenophobic statement regarding West Azerbaijanis and their right of return. This amateur, who is not clear whether he is a clergyman or a politician, expressed a radical opinion about our compatriots, distorted the issue of the peaceful return of more than 300 thousand Western Azerbaijanis to the lands of their ancestors, and tried to dress them in political and xenophobic clothes.

The Western Azerbaijan Community condemns Bagrat Galstanyan's statement and calls on the Archbishop to refrain from such a racist approach. Instead of representing and promoting peace, justice and reconciliation as a religious figure, the Archbishop taking such a chauvinistic position shows that such racist attitudes are prevalent in the Armenian Gregorian Church and society.

The Community also demands that the Armenian government not allow such racist tendencies on its territory due to the harm they cause to the peace process.