Western Azerbaijan Community strongly rejects Argentine president’s anti-Azerbaijani statement
20 September 2023, 12:39

The Western Azerbaijan Community strongly rejected the anti-Azerbaijani statement voiced by Argentine President Alberto Fernandez at the UN General Assembly.

"The Argentine president, instead of solving his country's severe socio-economic problems such as poverty and corruption, takes a dilettantish approach to the issues that do not concern him. It is evident that his knowledge of international relations, international law, and geography is very superficial. Accusing Azerbaijan of “taking control of Nagorno-Karabakh” is like accusing Argentina of taking control of Mendoza province," the Community said in a statement.

"We would like to remind Alberto Fernandez, who also accuses Azerbaijan of “ethnic, religious and racial persecution”, that those indigenous tribes were destroyed in Argentina in the 19th century, and we urge you to pay attention to these issues," the Community added.