Western Azerbaijan Community once again declares that it has no claims against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Armenia
26 October 2023, 07:52

“Armenia’s reaction to the Western Azerbaijan Community’s meeting with Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Dunja Mijatović, the Community’s holding an event within the framework of the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference of the OSCE and its participation in the event of the High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) of OSCE in Hague once again show the level of ethnic hatred against Azerbaijanis in the policy of this state. With this, Armenia, has also, demonstrated how intolerant they are towards freedom of speech and the activities of civil society.” 

“The Armenian government, in order to avoid dialogue, claims that Western Azerbaijan Community allegedly is making a territorial claim against them. The Western Azerbaijan Community, once again reiterates that it doesn’t have any claims against Armenia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and its sole purpose is to ensure the peaceful return of Azerbaijanis to their ancestral homeland in Armenia.”