Western Azerbaijan Community condemns unfair statement of Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
28 August 2023, 13:20

The Western Azerbaijan Community has condemned the unfair statement of Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Dunja Mijatović of August 28, 2023.

"First of all, we would like to emphasize that there is no territorial unit called "Nagorno-Karabakh" on the territory of Azerbaijan. The fact that some still show disrespect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan after Armenia, who at least in words, recognized Karabakh as Azerbaijani territory raises a number of questions. We urge the Commissioner to use the expression "Karabakh region of Azerbaijan" in the future.

After joining the Council of Europe in 2001, Azerbaijan has constantly raised the issue of the consequences of the Armenian occupation related to the humanitarian sphere and human rights in this organization, but every time it received standard, unacceptable answers such as: "We are not a political organization; we do not interfere in such issues". So, why now, after Azerbaijan has liberated its territories, the same organization and the same officials take a completely different position?

Why has Dunja Mijatović, who has been Commissioner since 2018, never once expressed concern about the occupation of Azerbaijani territories, ethnic cleansing, or the expulsion of one million Azerbaijanis?

Mass graves are being discovered one after another in the liberated territories. Recently, the remains of several Azerbaijani servicemen, discovered in mass graves and identified after 30 years, were laid to rest. Mass graves as a concept imply a gross human rights violation. Why don’t you express concern about this? August 30 marks the International Day of the Disappeared. Maybe you should call on Armenia to hand over the exact locations of mass graves to Azerbaijan?

More than 300 Azerbaijanis have been killed or wounded as a result of Armenia's mine terror since 2020. When will you, as Commissioner, express your attitude to this?

The Western Azerbaijan Community calls on the Commissioner not to become hostage to double standards and defend its independence," the Community said.