Statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community
29 June 2023, 18:46

We strongly condemn the statement made today by Prime Minister Pashinyan of Armenia, accusing Azerbaijan of intending to make ethnic Armenians living in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan emigrate. This statement is not only baseless but also serves the purpose of perpetuating Armenia's illegal military presence in Azerbaijan in support of its territorial claim, in defiance of international law and the Trilateral Statement of 2020, in which Armenia committed to withdrawing its troops from Azerbaijan.

It is ironic that Prime Minister Pashinyan speaks about ethnic cleansing, when it is Armenia itself that forcibly expelled all Azerbaijanis from its territory, preventing their return. The government of Armenia, including Prime Minister Pashinyan, has consistently ignored the calls from the Western Azerbaijan Community to engage in peaceful dialogue for the safe and dignified return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia. Their lack of response and activities infringing upon the sovereignty of Azerbaijan demonstrate a disregard for human rights and a willingness to sabotage efforts by the Government of Azerbaijan to reintegrate its citizens of Armenian ethnicity.

We call upon Prime Minister Pashinyan to cease these harmful efforts and to enable the safe and dignified return of Azerbaijanis to Armenia. It is essential that Armenia agrees to the involvement of international missions to assist in this process, ensuring the protection of the rights and security of the Azerbaijani returnees.

The Western Azerbaijan Community remains committed to the principles of dialogue, peaceful coexistence, and respect for human rights. We urge Prime Minister Pashinyan to demonstrate the same commitment and work towards a just and inclusive society that welcomes the return of Azerbaijanis to their rightful homes in Armenia.