Statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community on the Brussels meeting
17 July 2023, 15:24

The Western Azerbaijan Community has issued a statement in relation to the Brussels meeting.

The statement says: “According to the information we have received, the issue of safe and dignified return of Western Azerbaijanis to their homes was addressed at the trilateral meeting held in Brussels on July 15, 2023. The fact that the issue of our return was brought onto the agenda of talks on the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia is a historic development in the direction of a peaceful resolution of this issue in accordance with international law. This further inspires the Western Azerbaijan Community and every Azerbaijani forcibly expelled from Armenia to pursue even more actively the realization of their right of return.

The Western Azerbaijan Community once again declares that the safe and dignified return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia to their homes would not only be a celebration of human rights and justice but also remains an essential requirement for the establishment of the lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan. From this point of view, we wholeheartedly welcome the bringing the issue of the right to return and security of the Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia into the Brussels peace process.

The Western Azerbaijan Community reaffirms its readiness for direct negotiations on this issue with the Armenian government in parallel with the consideration of that matter within the Brussels peace process, which serves the normalization of intergovernmental relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The Community reiterates its call to the Armenian government for dialogue in this regard.”