Member of Western Azerbaijan community speaks at UN event
11 March 2024, 17:17

Member of the Western Azerbaijan Community, civil activist Parvana Valieva, at a high-level meeting on migration issues (“Second Regional Review of the Global Agreement on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration”), held on March 11, 2024 at the UN office in Geneva, the return of West Azerbaijanis spoke about the right.

Stating that the right of return is an integral part of international human rights, P. Valieva emphasized that this right is becoming increasingly relevant as the most optimal solution to the current global refugee crisis. The community representative noted that attention should be paid to the right of return as part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 Agenda.

P. Valieva reported on the ethnic cleansing committed by Armenia against the Azerbaijanis, including, using her personal example, the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis from their ancestral home of Vedibasar in 1988, and spoke about the difficulties of life for refugees.

He said that the West Azerbaijani community offered to start a dialogue with Armenia on the topic of return, but the Armenian government still left this call unanswered. P. Valieva noted that the return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia to their homes will be a great contribution to solving the global problem of displacement and establishing sustainable peace in the region, and said that there is a great need for the international community. support this process.