Statement on Senator Ben Cardin
31 January 2024, 15:17

The Western Azerbaijani Community strongly condemns the Azerbaijanophobic activities of Senator Ben Cardin. Has anyone given Ben Cardin, a captive of the fictitious "American exceptionalism," the right to speak on behalf of the "international community"?

The "international community" is not just the U.S. Senate. The international community is the trust of 120 NAM countries in Azerbaijan, which led the Movement, the largest institution in the world after the UN, for four years. The international community is the unanimous decision of world countries to hold COP29, considered the world's largest event, in Azerbaijan.

If Ben Cardin, with his crusader mentality, is so concerned about human rights, then let him focus on ensuring the rights of Native Americans in the U.S. itself, and raise his voice against police brutality and armed violence.