We welcome the positive steps taken in recent days towards normalizing relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia
09 December 2023, 10:50

The Western Azerbaijan Community welcomes the support expressed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, in an interview with Euronews on 9 December 2023 and his speech at the forum "Karabakh: Back Home after 30 Years. Accomplishments and Challenges” for the right of return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia and thanks the head of state for this principled position.

"We highly appreciate President Ilham Aliyev's statements and consistent policy in this area, as they not only contribute to the community's goal of ensuring our right to return but also serve to establish sustainable peace and tranquility in the region. Indeed, there is no alternative to a peace based on coexistence and ethnic diversity.

We reiterate our will to realise the right of return peacefully and within the framework of Armenia's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

In this context, we welcome the positive steps taken in recent days to normalise relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. We urge Armenia to properly assess this positive dynamic and take steps to build trust towards dialogue with Western Azerbaijanis and reconciliation"