Statement regarding attacks on Azerbaijan by the Lemkin Institute for the Prevention of Genocide
16 April 2024, 07:48

Recently, the Lemkin Institute has chosen Azerbaijan as its target for the prevention of genocide. The activity of this office, which ignores the fact that there is not a single Azerbaijani left in Armenia, as well as the numerous acts of genocide committed by this state during the occupation, consists exclusively in slandering Azerbaijan.

When carefully studying the information about the Lemkin Institute in open sources, the true reasons for such a zealous approach to this institution become clear. This "institute", financed by Ruben Vardanyan, who is under investigation in Azerbaijan on charges of financing terrorism, and another fraudster - Nubar Afeyan, is actually just a collection of pens. It is not surprising that radical elements of the Armenian diaspora, in particular E. Pogosyan and L. Mirzoyan, are widely represented in the "institute".

Western Azerbaijan Community strongly condemns the slander of Azerbaijan by this organization and the abuse of the name of Professor Rafael Lemkin, who played a large role in shaping the international struggle against genocide. We call on states, international organizations and civil society to combat such disinformation campaigns by radical Armenian nationalist circles.