It is the sovereign right of Azerbaijan to take measures within its territory to overcome terrorist threats and establish the constitutional structure.
20 September 2023, 14:45

The Western Azerbaijan Community  expressed its concern over the biased statements made by some US officials regarding anti-terrorist measures carried out by Azerbaijan in its Garabagh region.

The implementation of measures on its territory to overcome terrorist threats and restore the Constitutional order is the sovereign right of Azerbaijan.

“The latest statements by some US officials do not correspond to Washington’s position on the issue of the international fight against terrorism and its partnership with Azerbaijan for decades,” the Community noted.

“It is regrettable that the United States has demonstrated a biased stance on Azerbaijan’s anti-terrorist measures against the backdrop of the lack of an adequate attitude of the US government towards the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from Armenia, the occupation of Azerbaijani territories by this country and their destruction, as well as the expulsion of almost a million Azerbaijanis from these lands. In addition, while Armenia continues to encroach on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, for some reason the US only expresses support for the territorial integrity of Armenia.”

In conclusion, the Western Azerbaijan Community called on the US government to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, not to allow discrimination in the matter of human rights, and to support the return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia.