Statement regarding the provocative article about Karabakh published in "The Washington Post"
12 March 2024, 15:40

We strongly condemn the provocative article about Karabakh published in The Washington Post.

The fact that the author of the article, David Ignatius, at the request of Armenian patrons, constantly publishes anti-Azerbaijani articles does not surprise anyone. Turning a blind eye to the facts of the atrocities committed by Armenia against the Azerbaijani population in Karabakh for 30 years, the destruction of material and cultural monuments and the expulsion of the local population from their homes, and without writing a single word about the right of Azerbaijanis forcibly expelled from Armenia to return safely and with dignity to their native land. The fact that D. Ignatius insists only on the right of the Karabakh Armenians to “return” shows how far he is from professional journalism, and at the same time his hypocritical and disingenuous position.

We would like to once again remind the “journalist” who complained about “historical injustice and international law” that it was the Azerbaijani side that was subjected to injustice caused by the conflict and the occupation of its territories ignored by the international legal system. , namely, the Azerbaijanis who lost both Karabakh and their homeland on the territory of Armenia. Driven out of their nests.

The right of Western Azerbaijanis to return peacefully to their native land cannot be denied under any circumstances, and this issue should attract the attention of international media that consider themselves “professional and impartial.”