Statement regarding the anti-Azerbaijani position of Toivo Klaar
26 March 2024, 08:05

The Western Azerbaijan Community strongly condemns the once again anti-Azerbaijani position demonstrated by the European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus, Toivo Klaar, and his approach that infringes on media freedom.

Instead of demanding that Armenia leave the occupied Azerbaijani villages, the representative of the European Union, calling these territories “disputed,” actually called on Armenia to continue its occupation policy.

In addition, Toivo Klaar tried to censor the Azerbaijani media in order to cover up the occupation policy of Armenia. For some reason, articles published in the Azerbaijani media about the massacre committed by Armenia against the civilian Azerbaijani population in the village of Baganis Ayrim, Gazakh region, and the occupation by Armenia of a number of territories of Azerbaijan, including this village, worry Mr. Klaar. It turns out that the problem for Klaar is not the occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenia, war crimes against Azerbaijanis and crimes against humanity, but the coverage of these facts in the media.”

The Western Azerbaijan Community demands that the European Union abandon its erroneous and dangerous policies, not interfere with the establishment of peace in the region and take a fair position on the issue of returning Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia to their homes.