On the 140th annıversary of the Iravan State Azerbaıjan Drama Theater

On the 140th annıversary of the Iravan State Azerbaıjan Drama Theater

Order of the Presıdent of the Republıc of Azerbaıjan 

In 2022, the Iravan State Azerbaijan Drama Theater will turn 140 years old. The theater, which began functioning in 1882 in the Iravan mahal, known as one of the important scientific, educational, and cultural centers where the Azerbaijanis originally lived, subsequently constantly gave a special place in its rich repertoire to the achievements of the national literary and artistic thought, won the sympathy of the audience, and entered the memorable pages of the annals of our culture. The creative fate of many outstanding Azerbaijani stage masters is closely connected with this oldest center of art, which has become an integral part of our professional national theater.

The chronicle of the theater, which has come a long way and has been repeatedly subjected to Armenian vandalism, is part of the historical fate of our compatriots in the original Azerbaijani lands. The theater, whose acting troupe emigrated as a result of mass pogroms committed by Armenians in Iravan in 1918–1920, restored its activities in 1922; in 1928, thanks to the dedication of the Azerbaijani intelligentsia, it received the status of a state theater by a corresponding decision; and since 1935, it has bore the name of the outstanding playwright Jafar Jabbarly.

Having shared the bitter fate of the deportation of Azerbaijanis from Armenia in 1948–1953, the Iravan State Azerbaijan Drama Theater resumed its activities only in 1967, and as a result of the policy of ethnic cleansing and aggression again unleashed by Armenians in the late 1980s, it was expelled along with our compatriots and was forced to become a refugee.

Continuing its activity since 1989 in Baku, the theater over the past period has further expanded the traditional repertoire with new works on various topics and has achieved a number of creative successes.

Governed by Clause 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and taking into account the role of the Iravan State Azerbaijan Drama Theater in the cultural and social life of our people, I hereby resolve as follows:

1. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall prepare and implement an action plan related to the 140th anniversary of the Iravan State Azerbaijan Drama Theatre.

2. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall resolve issues arising from this Order.

Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, July 14, 2022.