Habib Hasanov was born in 1922 in Agzibir village of Kavar district. After graduating from the Higher Party School in Moscow, Habib Hasanov worked as the department head of the Azizbayov District Party Committee of Armenia, the second secretary of the Etchmiadzin District Party Committee, and the first secretary of the Amasiya District Party Committee. In 1961–1974, the newspaper “Soviet Armenia” was published under the editorship of Habib Hasanov. He became the deputy chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR.
Habib Hasanov left Iravan and settled in Baku after his brother Mehdi Hasanov, candidate of philological sciences, teacher of philology faculty of Iravan Pedagogical Institute, was killed by Armenian chauvinists, and later worked in various positions as the first secretary of Tovuz district Party Committee, minister of forestry. Habib Hasanov’s book “Indelible Names, Unhealable Wounds”, published in Baku in 1997, talks about the tragedies, deportations, and genocides that Armenians have inflicted on our countrymen in the past 200 years in the ancient Oghuz land, which is now called the Republic of Armenia – in Western Azerbaijan.