
Statement on the occasion of June 20 - World Refugee Day
20 June 2024, 20:50

The Western Azerbaijan Community, which unites Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia, on June 20, World Refugee Day, expresses solidarity with displaced people around the world and calls on the world community to pay more attention to the refugee issue.

A sustainable solution to the problem of displaced people is to create conditions for the safe and dignified return of displaced people to their homes. The Western Azerbaijan Community intends to achieve the goal of returning its members to their native lands through dialogue. The Community respects the norms and principles of international law, including the territorial integrity and sovereignty of States, as well as the values ​​of peace, reconciliation and coexistence.

The Western Azerbaijan Community is always ready for direct dialogue with the Armenian government on the issue of return. Despite the community's constant attempts to establish dialogue, Armenia has yet to respond to its calls. Armenia’s avoidance of dialogue does not contribute to progress towards a fair and sustainable settlement.

The Western Azerbaijan Community calls on the Armenian government to respect international human rights obligations and create conditions for the return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia.