
Statement on the Hearings Held by the Tom Lantos Commission on Human Rights of the United States Congress
20 September 2024, 15:20

The Western Azerbaijan Community expresses deep concern over the hearings entitled “Human Rights in Azerbaijan after the Fall of Nagorno-Karabakh” held on September 19 by the Tom Lantos US Congress Human Rights Commission. The accusations brought against Azerbaijan during these hearings are another manifestation of disrespect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country and bias against Azerbaijanis.

We condemn the indifference shown by the US Congress towards Armenia’s gross violation of the rights of Azerbaijanis, including the expulsion of about 800,000 Azerbaijanis from their native lands as a result of the occupation of Azerbaijani territories that lasted almost 30 years and the prevention of their return. Let us recall that the large-scale destruction caused by Armenia during the occupation, the mining of territories and the destruction of infrastructure hinders the speedy return of internally displaced persons to their native lands. Another blatant example of discrimination against Azerbaijanis is the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis from Armenia and the fact that the US Congress turns a blind eye to the violation of their right to return.

It is regrettable that during the hearings, questions were presented in a religious context. Such an approach is aimed at undermining peace and stability in the region by inciting interreligious and interethnic conflicts.

It is unacceptable for the US Congress to show disrespect for the internationally recognized territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan and distort the sovereign rights of our country. The American side issues visas to representatives of the said former illegal regime and creates conditions for their participation in the event, which is an indicator of this country's support for separatism. In connection with the excuses that the legislative body in which such hearings are held is allegedly independent and the hearings held do not reflect government policy, we declare that no one has a shadow of a doubt that the said steps of the Congress were taken precisely at the behest of the US administration.

The Western Azerbaijan Community demands that the US Congress abandon such a biased and provocative approach. This position violates the human rights of Azerbaijanis, fuels interreligious and interethnic conflict, hinders the peace process and violates international law, demonstrating disrespect for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We also call on the US Congress to support the right of Azerbaijanis to return to Armenia and not to hinder the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the region.