
We call on PACE not to be a tool of Armenia's crafty games and protect its independence
01 August 2023, 14:04

“The Western Azerbaijan Community condemns the lop-sided statement of the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Tiny Kox, dated July 31, 2023 and calls on PACE not to be a tool of Armenia's crafty games and protect its independence" 

“We would like to emphasize again that the issue of supplies to Armenians living in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan is a mere provocation created by Armenia to mislead the international opinion. In particular, on the instructions of Armenia, a group of separatist criminals have sealed off the roads from other regions of Azerbaijan to the areas where Armenians live in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, demanding an exclusive route for supplies from Armenia in an uncontrolled manner. On Armenia’s instigation, such elements closed the Aghdam-Khankendi road with concrete blocks. These forces did it defiantly, released video footage of the road closure and declared that they would not allow the road to be used for supplies by ordinary people.

In this regard, the fact-finding mission mentioned by Tiny Kox should not be sent to Azerbaijan, which is determined to reintegrate the Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region, but to Armenia, which has expelled Western Azerbaijanis from Armenia and denied us our right to return.

We remind Tiny Kox that co-rapporteurs of PACE on Armenia have not yet responded to the letter addressed to them by the Western Azerbaijan Community on March 1 this year. The Western Azerbaijan Community, which promotes the ideas of peaceful coexistence, urges Tiny Kox not to approach the issue of human rights from the prism of double standards, to give public support for our proposal for dialogue with Armenia and the return to our ancestral lands in Armenia.”