
The European Union has officially responded to the appeal of the West Azerbaijan Community.
12 June 2023, 16:27

As previously stated, the Western Azerbaijan Community reached out to the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission, urging the EU's intervention in ensuring the right of Azerbaijanis to return to their homes in Armenia from where they were forcefully expelled.

The EU officially responded to the appeals. In its response, the EU's unequivocally affirms its support for the right to return of all affected populations, and acknowledges the significance of this issue within the broader peace process.

The European Union, holding a considerable weight on the global arena, plays an important role in the facilitation of inter-state relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and promoting peace and stability in the region.

We consider that the EU's endorsement of the right of Azerbaijanis to return to their homeland constitutes a crucial step forward in galvanizing international support for this cause. In our view, this official response signifies the growing international recognition of the urgent need to address the plight of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia. It also strengthens the position of the Western Azerbaijan Community as a credible partner in pursuing a just and lasting resolution to this pressing humanitarian issue.

The Western Azerbaijan Community eagerly anticipates further dialogue and practical cooperation with the EU in this regard. The Community remains committed to working closely with the EU to ensure the safe and dignified return of Azerbaijanis to their homes, thus fostering reconciliation, stability, and coexistence in the region in line with norms and principles of international law.