
Statement on the European Parliament resolution calling on the European Union to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan
26 April 2024, 08:10

The notorious hostile foreign circles, controlled from a single center, have recently intensified their crusades against Azerbaijan under the pretext of “human rights.” Following the anti-Azerbaijani steps taken in the US Congress and the State Department this week, on April 25, the European Parliament adopted a biased and slanderous document. With this resolution, two-faced European parliamentarians who allegedly care about the human rights of Azerbaijanis called on the European Union to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan.

I wonder why the European Parliament did not remember the rights of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis when Armenia, having occupied the territories of Azerbaijan, subjected them to ethnic cleansing and killed about 30 thousand Azerbaijanis over the past 30 years? Why is the European Parliament not concerned about the fact that Armenia does not allow 300 thousand Azerbaijanis expelled from its territory to return to their homes and ignores the call of the West Azerbaijan Community for dialogue?

All this proves that the real reason for the recent steps of the European Parliament is not human rights, but the inability to accept the fact that Azerbaijan has restored its territorial integrity.

If the European Parliament wanted to promote human rights through sanctions, it should have applied sanctions against Armenia, which has violated the fundamental rights of more than a million Azerbaijanis. The Western Azerbaijan Community demands that the European Parliament abandon discriminatory policies, steps that aggravate the situation in the region and attempts to abuse such highest values ​​as human rights, as well as respect the right of return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia.