
Statement to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the large-scale campaign against Azerbaijan
27 August 2024, 10:24

As it is known, the forces carrying out the order of certain circles started a large-scale campaign against Azerbaijan in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) based on racial discrimination, and the Azerbaijani delegation decided to stop its activities in the Assembly. The anti-Azerbaijan resolution adopted by the PACE on January 24, 2024 is the peak of this infamous campaign. The true motive of this campaign is also clear from the text of the resolution adopted by a handful of elements who belong to different political styles and are actually extreme nationalists - Azerbaijanophobes cannot digest the restoration of our country's territorial integrity.

The Azerbaijani side, based on its national interests, has declared the known PACE members who oppose the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, and violate the European Convention on Human Rights by committing racial discrimination, as undesirable persons. This decision, which exposes racists, is the sovereign right of Azerbaijan and serves to promote human rights.

From this point of view, the statements of PACE chairman, Greek parliament member Teodoros Rousopoulos and PACE member from Germany, notorious Azerbaijanophobe Frank Schwabe, regarding the said decision of Azerbaijan are unacceptable.

A call for the return of Western Azerbaijanis to their ancestral lands, who did not call for an end to the occupation of Azerbaijani lands during the last 30 years, did not condemn the many thousands of actions held in the capital of a country with the slogan "Armenia without Turks" in the 21st century, propagated that the right of return belongs only to Armenians The biased opinions of these "human rights lovers" gathered in PACE and some Western institutions have no value for the people of Azerbaijan.

The Western Azerbaijan Community once again demands from the forces represented in PACE to end discrimination against Azerbaijan.