
Statement on yet another smear campaign against Azerbaijan by Luis Ocampo, hired by the Armenian diaspora
26 July 2024, 10:34

The Armenian diaspora, using their mercenary Luis Ocampo as a cover, launched another slander campaign against Azerbaijan. The target of the campaign was Azerbaijan's acceptance of the upcoming 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29).

In an interview he gave as the author of the mentioned campaign, L. Ocampo called himself a climate activist, slandered Azerbaijan and demanded the release of separatists accused of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The fact that L. Ocampo, on the one hand, uses slander against Azerbaijan regarding the genocide, and on the other, demands the release of the perpetrators of the genocide, shows the degree of absurdity of the situation in which he finds himself. Instead of demanding the release of these criminals, Ocampo should make efforts to clarify the fate of the 4,000 Azerbaijanis who went missing as a result of Armenia's military aggression. Let us recall that there is irrefutable public evidence that Azerbaijani hostages were used as slaves in the homes of high-ranking officers of the top military leadership of Armenia at that time and that captured Azerbaijanis were executed in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and in camps in Armenia.

Ocampo, who is trying to present himself as a climate activist, should address issues such as the irreparable wounds inflicted on the environment by Armenia's occupation of Azerbaijani territories and the installation of millions of landmines, the destruction of areas in Armenia previously inhabited by Azerbaijanis, and the damage to air and water mining facilities in this country.

The West Azerbaijan community condemns the actions of the Armenian diaspora and its mercenary Ocampo and calls on the international community to fight such nefarious elements.