
The information was obtained through ridiculous ideas circulating in the Armenian press
20 February 2024, 08:38

The Armenian press published information about the meeting of the so-called “members” of the so-called “parliament” with Vartan Oskanian and ridiculous ideas like “The Karabakh conflict has not been resolved.”

“All this once again indicates that the Karabakh Armenians have not learned any lessons from the events of the last 35 years; they are being used by dreamers and chauvinists. At the same time, this indicates, to put it mildly, the insincerity of the Armenian authorities, who talk falsely about peace all day long.

The Armenian authorities, who consider even the views of the West Azerbaijan Community on the protection of cultural heritage as an encroachment on their sovereignty, should ban on their territory the activities of relics of the past that threaten the sovereignty of Azerbaijan and are still talking about “self-determination.”