
The statement by Armenia, the EU, France and Germany in Granada is discriminatory
05 October 2023, 20:20

The Western Azerbaijan Society commented on the statement issued by Armenia, the EU, France, and Germany in Granada.

“We, the Western Azerbaijan Community representing Azerbaijanis forcibly expelled from Armenia, express our deep disappointment and concern regarding the discriminatory statement made by the leaders of Armenia, the EU, France, and Germany on October 5, 2023, in Granada, Spain. They deliberately choose not to acknowledge the equal and legitimate right of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia to return to their homes. This wrong and one-sided statement denying our right to return not only perpetuates our suffering but also exacerbates regional tensions, hindering the prospects of lasting peace and reconciliation.

The Western Azerbaijan Community has repeatedly reached out to Armenia, the EU, and its member states, appealing for enabling of our safe and dignified return to our ancestral lands. Regrettably, our pleas have been met with indifference and silence. With the discriminatory statement issued in Granada, the EU and some of its member states has effectively endorsed Armenia’s policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis.

We urge Armenia, the EU, France, and Germany to reconsider their stance and recognize the rights of ethnic Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia to return to their homes in safety and with dignity.”