
Statement regarding the Armenian authorities
20 January 2024, 14:53

Information has spread in the Armenian media about the appointment of a certain Samvel Shahramanyan, who still calls himself the so-called “president of the state”, “minister of state”. In addition, it is reported that a certain “commission” has been created to conduct work at the international level under the leadership of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, a convinced racist Vartan Oskanian.

But why does Armenia, which considers the statements of the West Azerbaijani community about the inadmissibility of destroying the cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people in Armenia as an encroachment on its sovereignty and territorial integrity, create conditions for such hostile actions against Azerbaijan! All this is in complete contradiction with Armenia’s statements that it is ready to sign a peace treaty with Azerbaijan in the near future. The Armenian authorities must ban the activities of elements that threaten the sovereignty of Azerbaijan on its territory.