
Statement on the denial of the right of return of Western Azerbaijanis to revanchist forces in Armenia
03 September 2024, 18:53

We strongly condemn the provocative statements made on September 2 by the revanchist forces in Armenia, the scum of the self-proclaimed regime, threatening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, including those who, relying on their Western patrons, are inspired by the idea of ​​"returning to Karabakh under international patronage", denying the right of Western Azerbaijanis to return.

The Western Azerbaijan Community has recently repeatedly appealed to the government of Armenia with a call to put an end to the activities of forces opposing the sovereignty of Azerbaijan on its territory. It is obvious that the government of Armenia not only does not take any action, but, while verbally speaking about peace, at the same time encourages anti-Azerbaijani attacks.

The comfortable functioning in Armenia of the so-called "repatriation commission" headed by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, the residual elements of the separatist regime posing as a "government in exile", is unacceptable. We declare that if Armenia does not abandon this dangerous policy, we will begin work on the creation of a government of Western Azerbaijan in exile in the Republic of Azerbaijan and, in particular, we will send an appeal to the Milli Majlis with the aim of creating a commission in the newly elected parliament to return to Western Azerbaijan.”