
Statement regarding the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
15 February 2024, 11:14

Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan made a number of slanderous statements today. It is laughable that the country, which for 30 years kept the territory of Azerbaijan under occupation, declaring “Karabakh is Armenia, period,” now accuses Azerbaijan of interfering in the internal affairs of Armenia.

The fable presented by Nikol Pashinyan that 31 Armenian villages are allegedly under occupation indicates that Armenia does not intend to return the eight Azerbaijani villages that are still under occupation.

These statements also show that Nikol Pashinyan, whose position in society is becoming weaker and weaker and who is experiencing problems within his team, is seeking to deliberately aggravate the situation and disrupt the peaceful negotiation process in search of a way out of this situation, the document emphasizes.

Apparently, Armenia is encouraged by arms supplies from some countries, in particular France, bandit groups like “Yerkpara”, as well as Josep Borrell and adventurers in the Zangezur Mountains - a mission of the European Union. Armenia must abandon the dangerous course it has been pursuing recently.