
Statement in connection with the attempt by French President Emmanuel Macron to justify the arming of his country Armenia and to slander Azerbaijan
19 July 2024, 10:08

French President Emmanuel Macron tried to justify his country's arming of Armenia and slander Azerbaijan at a press conference at the European Political Community summit held in Woodstock, UK.

We remind the President of France, who in 2020 tried to present Azerbaijan’s liberation of its territories from 30 years of occupation in a negative light, that the 44-day Patriotic War was a celebration of international law and justice, ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the UN Charter and specific Security Council resolutions. Instead of trying to denigrate this glorious history, President Macron should acknowledge his country's responsibility for its many years of supporting Armenia and encouraging its continued occupation of Azerbaijani territories.

It should be emphasized that France's sale of arms to Armenia, which has kept 20 percent of Azerbaijan's territory under occupation for 30 years, serves to push this country, whose army and many political circles are dominated by revanchist sentiments, to a new war against Azerbaijan and provoke bloodshed in region.

The Western Azerbaijan Community demands that France stop arming Armenia and other destructive actions.