
Statement of Freedom House's intent to disrupt peace and incite hostility in the region
01 July 2024, 19:48

On July 1, 2024, Freedom House, which for a long time turned into a mercenary of the radical Armenian diaspora, published another anti-Azerbaijani report. The report views the migration of Armenians from the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan to Armenia as a violation of the law.

The publication of this slanderous report by Freedom House, which turned a blind eye to the forced expulsion of almost a million Azerbaijanis from Armenia and the occupied lands of Azerbaijan, is proof of the open bias and destructiveness of this organization. The authors of the report seek to prevent peace and incite hostility in the region.

Once again we remind the general public that Freedom House, which has its roots in many radical Armenian functionaries, including Vice President Annie Boyajian, has nothing to do with the protection of human rights, and this organization is completely influenced by racist circles. .