International cooperation

The delegation of TURKPA visited the Western Azerbaijan Community
07 March 2023, 15:15

The Western Azerbaijan Community on Tuesday hosted a meeting with the delegation of the Commission on Environment, Natural Resources and Health Protection of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking Countries (TURKPA).

Welcoming the TURKPA delegation, Aziz Alekberli, MP, Chairman of the Board of the Western Azerbaijani Community, informed about the troubles Western Azerbaijanis have experienced throughout history, their deportation four times during the last century, and the acts of genocide committed against Western Azerbaijanis.

Alekberli noted that in line with the goals set by the 2008 Istanbul Agreement on the establishment of TURKPA, it may be effective to bring the issue of the rights of Azerbaijanis expelled from Western Azerbaijan and their cultural heritage to the organization’s agenda.

Ahliman Amiraslanov, MP, Chairman of the Council of Elders of the Western Azerbaijan Community and Head of the TURKPA Commission on Environment, Natural Resources and Health Protection, expressed the Community’s interest in the organization’s activities.

The TURKPA delegation said that they are delighted to meet with Western Azerbaijan Community members. The delegation pledged moral support for the Community in their just cause.