
Statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community
16 August 2023, 11:17

“The report disseminated by France’s Foreign Ministry regarding the phone talks between the country’s Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna and her Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan on August 15 is another evidence of France's disregard of the norms and principles of international law and human rights, as well as Azerbaijanophobia policy,” the Western Azerbaijan Community said in a statement.

“France, which turned a blind eye to Armenia who had expelled about 1 million Azerbaijanis from their homelands, killing more than 20 thousand Azerbaijani civilians, occupying 20 percent of Azerbaijan's territory and destroying nearly 900 settlements there, and rendering of those lands uninhabitable by extensively laying of landmines, now suddenly tries to portray itself as a party that upholds humanitarian values.

The fact that illegal Armenian armed formations in the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan are holding the civilian population hostage, blocking the road from Aghdam, and demanding a direct, uncontrolled road to Armenia is nothing but blackmail, banditry, and terrorism.

France supporting this demand of Armenia is a serious affront to international law and human rights.

We call on France to stop its policy against Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty, not to interfere in Azerbaijan's internal affairs, and to support the right of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia to return to their homeland," the Community added.