
Statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community
12 September 2023, 12:57

“The complete disregard of our cause by the United States is inconsistent with its commitment to human rights”

The statement reads: “We took note of the statement made by the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, on 10 September 2023, in which he emphasized that any peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan must protect the rights and security of the residents of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and encouraged dialogue between Baku and the residents of the Karabakh.

We deeply regret that Secretary Blinken has not addressed the issue of Azerbaijanis who were forcibly expelled from Armenia. It is well-known that Armenia expelled all Azerbaijanis from its territory and continues to deny them the right to return to their homes. Armenia has not even agreed to engage in a dialogue with the Western Azerbaijani Community on this matter.

In contrast, Azerbaijan promptly facilitated the return of displaced Armenians to its Karabakh region following the end of the war in 2020. Azerbaijan actively pursues dialogue with Armenians residing in Karabakh and endeavors to reintegrate them into society. Additionally, Armenians live as full-fledged citizens in Azerbaijan outside of its Karabakh region.

Given this context, the complete disregard of our cause by the United States is inconsistent with its declared commitment to upholding human rights globally. It raises concerns that the United States either does not prioritize the human rights of ethnic Azerbaijanis or ceases to do so when a population group has been forcibly displaced from their homes. The US Government's position is particularly disheartening, considering the fact that we reached out to Secretary Blinken with a letter, which remains unanswered.

We earnestly call upon the US Government to cease its discriminatory approach to human rights and to support the safe and dignified return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia to their rightful homes. We also request the US Government to use its influence on Armenia to make this state to engage in meaningful dialogue with our Community.”