
Statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community
21 November 2023, 15:03

That co-rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for the monitoring of Azerbaijan Lise Christoffersen refused to meet with the Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia and listen to their problems during her visit to the country.

“We remind that despite our appeals, PACE co-rapporteurs on Armenia also refuse to deal with our problem.The expulsion of Azerbaijanis from Armenia and preventing their return is a flagrant violation of human rights. Ignoring this issue by the PACE Monitoring Committee, whose key task is to verify the implementation of the Council of Europe conventions in the field of human rights, shows that it disrespects its own mandate and discriminates on ethnic and religious grounds. The PACE monitoring procedure has turned from a mechanism for the protection of human rights into an instrument that serves the political interests of certain circles.

The Western Azerbaijan Community condemns such kind of discrimination, demands PACE to take a responsible approach towards fulfilling its duties and deal with the issue of return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia"