
Statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community
21 November 2023, 19:08

Recently, the US has gone on a crusade against Azerbaijan. Now, Samantha Power, who is famous all over the world for behaving like Armenian rather than Armenian, showed special "zeal", Western Azerbaijan Community said in a statement.

"It is disgusting that an official of a country that massacres Native Americans, but is not ashamed of it, now comes and accuses Azerbaijan of "forced resettlement".

We ask S. Power, who said that "the USA is with the ethnic Armenians from Karabakh", when will you stand by the Azerbaijanis who were deported from Armenia?! When will you express your concern about the fate of 4,000 missing Azerbaijanis?! When will you express solidarity with mine victims in Azerbaijan?!

Obviously, because of your crusader mentality, you would never do that. Therefore, we do not need lectures from you and the USAID organization, which has the word "aid" in its name, but is engaged in destructive activities in various countries,' said the Community.