
Statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community
12 August 2023, 14:30

Regarding Armenia's intention to convene an emergency session of the UN Security Council under the guise of a "humanitarian crisis" and try to adopt a resolution against Azerbaijan.

“The fact that Armenia, which has been ignoring the well-known Security Council resolutions for 30 years and even showing intolerance when referring to them, now hopes for a Security Council resolution is a clear example of hypocrisy. The work that Armenia must do in the field of international humanitarian law and human rights is to enable hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis expelled from its territory to return to their lands in safety and with dignity” 

“The Western Azerbaijan Community regards this action of Armenia as a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, flagrant interference in its internal affairs and rejection of the provision on mutual recognition of sovereignty and territorial integrity enshrined in the Prague and Sochi statements of October 2022 and the Brussels statement of July 2023, and at the same time urges Armenia to put an end to actions that deliberately aggravate the situation in the region”