
Statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community
11 August 2023, 14:25

The Western Azerbaijan Community strongly condemns the Armenian Catholicos who congratulated the so-called “speaker of parliament” in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and expressed provocative opinions, and considers this a gross interference in the internal affairs of Azerbaijan.

The Western Azerbaijan Community considers the Armenian Church one of the main culprits for the deplorable situation in which Armenia is a “completely bankrupt state.” The Armenian Church, which for 30 years welcomed the occupation of Azerbaijani territories and ethnic cleansing, today encourages enmity, hatred and revanchism.

The Western Azerbaijan Community calls on the Armenian Church to stop such provocative actions, promote peace and reconciliation, and also call on the Armenian authorities to respond to the Community’s proposal for dialogue in this regard and to oppose the policy of destruction and distortion of the historical and religious heritage of the Azerbaijani people in Armenia.

The Western Azerbaijan Community calls on the international community and international organizations to condemn the destructive, religiously divisive and Azerbaijanophobic actions of the Armenian Church.