
Statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community
18 August 2023, 19:08

According to the Embassy of the United States of America in Armenia, Ambassador Christine Quinn visited the village of Istisu (Jermuk) today. We do not have information about the purpose of the ambassador's visit to Istiza. However, we are aware that on the way from Iravan she passed through settlements where Azerbaijanis used to live, including Istisa, where their mosques and cemeteries were destroyed and desecrated.

We would like to know what steps Ms. Queen, who is the Ambassador of the United States, which positions itself as a defender of human rights in the world, is taking in Armenia, a state that has become mono-ethnic as a result of ethnic cleansing, to eliminate the racism and intolerance, and to realize the rights of Azerbaijanis to return as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We also take this opportunity to urge the American side to respond to our request to Secretary of State Antony Blinken to support human rights without ethnic or religious discrimination.