
Statement on the event held by the German Council on Foreign Relations under the pretext of a threat to cultural heritage in the Karabakh region
06 March 2024, 10:52

The German Council on Foreign Relations is holding an event on March 6 under the pretext that cultural heritage in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan is allegedly under threat. This event is anti-Azerbaijani in nature, since it is dedicated to the presentation of a completely slanderous book by the German author Dagmar Heller, who does not hide her religious fanatic views, and the title of the publication itself contains an encroachment on the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

I would like to remind you that the German Council on Foreign Relations, which positions itself as a professional and impartial institution, has never carried out any activities regarding the destruction of Azerbaijani cultural heritage and the ethnic cleansing of one million Azerbaijanis and ignored this issue in its publications and reports. The fact that an academic institution that turns a blind eye to Armenia's massive destruction of Azerbaijan's cultural heritage on its territory and in the occupied Azerbaijani territories, gathers a handful of biased and radical elements and holds an event on the "possibility" of a threat to Armenian monuments in Karabakh is nothing less than discrimination on religious and ethnic grounds and a great disgrace to science,” the statement said.

The Western Azerbaijan Community has appealed to the German Council on Foreign Relations to abandon this event, focus on the injustices that have occurred, such as the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from Armenia and the complete destruction of their cultural heritage, and hold an event specifically on these topics.