
Statement regarding the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Relations and Security Policy Joseph Borrell
14 February 2024, 08:30

The High Representative of the European Union (EU) for International Relations and Security Policy, Joseph Borrell, in his statement issued following the meeting of the EU-Armenia Partnership Council on February 13, 2024, following his tradition, voiced a number of anti-Opinions of Azerbaijanis.

C. Borrell ignored the fact that the Armenian army wounded an Azerbaijani border guard on February 12, 2024, after a long period of calm in the border zone, and tried to question the steps taken by the Azerbaijani side in accordance with the right to self-defense. -protection.

The EU representative's strange proposal, such as the withdrawal of troops from the border region, is primarily contrary to the sovereignty of Azerbaijan and is aimed at putting the occupying Armenian army in an advantageous position for its next attacks on Azerbaijan. If the Armenian army does not want to clash with the Azerbaijani army firmly standing on its soil, it can freely retreat into the interior of Armenia.

The EU behaved insincerely and unconstructively regarding its mission in Armenia. The European Union is grossly violating its promises to the Azerbaijani side regarding the tasks, size and scope of this mission. The mission is actually engaged in creating military and intelligence cover for the Armenian side, as well as pressure and provocations against Azerbaijan in the border zone. Despite the fact that among its tasks it is written to address the issue of the impact of the past conflict on the population of the border areas, the mission does not address the rights of Azerbaijani refugees expelled from the border areas of Armenia, and ignores Armenia’s brutal destruction of their homes, cemeteries and cultural heritage.

Finally, the EU representative allowed separate elections along religious and ethnic lines for people affected by the conflict. Thus, J. Borrell called the Armenians who voluntarily resettled from the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan last year at the instigation of Armenia, “refugees” and spoke about humanitarian concern for them, but did not say a word about more than 300 thousand Azerbaijanis forcibly resettled from Armenia.

The Western Azerbaijan Community believes that the EU representative is trying to create tension and complicate the prospects for peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia by demonstrating such open bias. The Community calls on the EU institutions to refrain from these actions, not to impede the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia, to put an end to the provocative behavior of the EU mission in Armenia against Azerbaijan and to support the right of return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia.