
Statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community
03 September 2023, 17:18

The number of Azerbaijanophobes in certain western countries has been rapidly growing since Azerbaijan won a historic victory over Armenia and its patrons in the Patriotic War in 2020 and restored justice.

The statement notes that the newly-hired scribes, racists, Muslim haters and religious bigots in some western media have unleashed a campaign of hostility against Azerbaijan. The tailor-made articles published in the US media, the deplorable state of the French media where racism and Islamophobia have permeated all spheres of society, BBC's support for separatists and fascists such as Serj Tankian who, in response to the “Justice for Khojaly” campaign, insulted the feelings of the Azerbaijani people in 2017 by saying that “Ivanyan (a fictitious name given by Armenia to the city of Khojaly) is a developing village of Artsakh after decades of Azerbaijani occupation”, the organization on September 6, 2023 of hearings on the Lachin road by The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission of the US Congress and an invitation to Azerbaijanophobe Luis Ocampo to them are a striking example of this.

This campaign has actually inspired the revanchist forces in Armenia and the government of Nikol Pashinyan, which says one thing in the morning and voices a completely different opinion in the evening, not wanting to sign a peace treaty in order to gain time.

Despite the false statements that “our media are independent” and “the media are not controlled by the government”, it once again becomes clear that the media have become an ugly tool in the struggle of these states and certain circles in them against Azerbaijan. In this sense, Western media are currently allies of Armenia, which does not abandon its hostile policy against Azerbaijan and is trying to shed blood in the region again,” the statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community emphasizes.