
Statement of bias and discrimination against Azerbaijan in the US Department of State's annual human rights report
25 April 2024, 11:05

The United States Department of State has published its latest country reports on human rights.

First of all, we note that annual reports prepared by order of the US Congress are an instrument of political pressure that has nothing to do with the promotion of human rights. The question arises on what moral basis is this report being prepared by the United States, a country that is largely responsible for human rights violations in the world and whose human rights situation is not at all encouraging.

This year, the US tried to put pressure on Azerbaijan through similar reports, allowing for a biased and discriminatory approach. In addition to other unsubstantiated statements, the report on Azerbaijan made ample space for slanderous statements, such as the alleged violation of the rights of Armenians in our country. However, the report on Armenia does not touch upon the facts of such massive human rights violations as the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from there, the destruction of their cultural heritage and the prevention of their return.

The Western Azerbaijan Community condemns the US State Department's abuse of human rights values ​​for its own political ends, as well as discrimination and bias against Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis. The community once again calls on the United States to respect the right of return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia.